Down below are some powerful motivational videos that I believe will help inspire, motivate, and pump you up. These motivational video clips include speeches, scenes from classic movies, and many other motivation videos to help inspire you.
I’ll be featuring one of these videos on this page each month. Here’s one for this month:
Nothing beats a good motivation video. You get the visual effect as well as the auditory. Powerful images combined with powerful music will definitely awaken the fire within your soul and get you to take massive action towards your dreams. Some of these motivational videos are classics that will stir up some old positive feelings. Some you’ve probably never seen but will hopefully make you want to save it for later use.
Also see the inspirational videos page for lots of short inspiring videos which you could purchase on DVD to give as gifts.
I’ll start with a video I made:
Various Motivational Video Clips
As more motivational videos are discovered or recommended, I’ll be adding them. The most important thing to remember is that when are in a state of motivation, regardless of what got you there, the best thing you can do is to take massive action. Motivation without action is pointless. However, your actions must be focused if you want the best results. To do this, you will need to know exactly what it is that you want in your life.
You see, the people who are able to achieve their dreams and goals are the ones who know exactly what they want. When the inspiration hits them, they will know what to do right away and not waste their energy. When you get motivated, that powerful feeling only lasts so long. So it’s important to use it while you still have it. The clearer your goals are, the longer that motivating feeling will last since you’re aiming it towards something you truly want to achieve.
Success in life isn’t that much of a mystery like many gurus make it out to be. It just comes down to knowing what you want, finding out the strategies that will take you there, and taking massive action in that direction until you achieve your outcome. The fuel is your motivation, your passion. This is why this website exists in the first place. These videos are just one of the tools you can use. Check out the other pages as well.
If you want to watch the rest of the 3 hour seminar for free, go to the Unlimited Power Seminar page
Watch the full video: The Shift (12 parts)
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