Category: Quotes

The Best Motivational Quotes

Here is a list of the very best motivational quotes which I’ve carefully chosen out of thousands. Some will resonate with you, while some won’t. When you find one that does, remember to write it down. More importantly, use its effect that it has on you to take …

30 Character Quotes – Be the Better You

A list of quotes about the importance of building good character. “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” – Bruce Lee “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success …

Kindness Quotes – The Importance of Being Kind

If kindness didn’t exist, this world would be a terrible place to live. By being kind, we make this world a better place. Differences in beliefs wouldn’t be such a big deal if kindness always came first. If one can’t be kind, then at least resist from causing …

Collection of Gratitude Quotes

Being grateful for what you have, no matter how little, isn’t always easy to do when your focus is solely on all that you lack. A common theme in many of these gratitude quotes is in order to receive more, you need to be thankful for what you …

Adversity Quotes to Help You Overcome the Obstacles of Life

As much as we may hate dealing with adversity, we need them in order to grow, to become stronger. How you react to adversity will determine if you’ll get something out of it. For some, it’s the only thing that can wake them up and get them to …

35 Revealing Quotes About Fear

Fear, the number one thing that stops most people from living the life of their dreams. Imagine how life would be if you were able to courageously go after the things you really want in life. These quotes about fear will hopefully help you see that fear, the …

Are Inspirational Quotes Worth Reading?

I stumbled across this funny but honest comic regarding inspirational quotes: Used with permission from Does this look familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. I’m sure we’ve all come across inspiring quotes that stood out and made us nod in agreement or made us think, “Wow, …

50 Super Awesome Quotes

The following are 50 awesome quotes that will hopefully inspire and motivate you to take action and make a positive change in your life. Let’s do this! “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” – Victor Kiam “Greatness is more than potential. It is …

30 Inspirational Quotes About Hard Work

Here are some inspirational quotes about hard work. When it comes to success, working hard is unavoidable. Many look at successful people and think it was luck and talent that got them there. In some cases, maybe, but the majority of the time, their success came down to …

15 Alan Watts Quotes (Plus Video)

I recently saw a video that had an excerpt of one of Alan Watts’ speeches (see video below) and decided to check out more of his work. He was a philosopher who was born in 1915, authored over a dozens books, and gave a bunch of speeches, mainly …