Motivational Speakers

Here is a list of motivational speakers. Over the last decade, I’ve been exposed to a ton of them either through their books, audio programs, interviews, or seminars. Some weren’t all that good, most were decent, but a few of them were absolutely fantastic in my opinion.

They sometimes get a bad reputation for just making people feel good for the time being. They provide motivation that doesn’t last. Well, as stated throughout this website, motivation is really a short term feeling. What’s important is what you do while you’re still motivated. Do you apply the concepts these speakers teach or do you just think “that was a great speech”, wait until your motivation dies and go back to your daily routine?

If you ask some of these speakers that I am listing here, I’m sure a lot of them don’t really see themselves as a “motivational speaker” or a “motivational guru”. They’re more of a life coach. The most crucial thing you could do to improve the quality of your life is to use whatever motivation they help bring out in you as a fuel to propel you into action, massive action.

The best way to use motivation is to use it to form habits. Motivation is short-lived while habits are hard to get rid of. Yes, even good habits. If you’ve been going to the gym consistently for more than a few months like I have, you know how it feels to NOT go to the gym for more than a week.

So here’s the list of the top motivational speakers in my opinion. You’ll also see what some of their best programs are. These are in alphabetical order by first name.

  1. Anthony Robbins
  2. Brian Tracy
  3. Denis Waitley
  4. Jack Canfield
  5. Jim Rohn
  6. John Maxwell
  7. Les Brown
  8. Mark Victor Hansen
  9. Dr. Wayne Dyer
  10. Zig Ziglar