Have you ever started working on a goal, slipped up, and just gave up completely? Many people who do this over and over again have this ‘all or nothing’ mentality. For example, they make a decision to lose weight and plan on eating right and exercising 5 times a week. Then the day comes where they give into their temptations or laziness and eat something they’re not supposed to or skip a workout. When this happens, they feel like a total failure, beat themselves up mentally, and give up on the goal altogether.
Listen, we all slip up every now and then; even the most successful people. But guess what? It’s OKAY! Don’t let one moment of weakness make you quit on your goal entirely. The key is to simply acknowledge you got a little bit off track, and then as quickly as you can, get right back on track.
It’s not slipping up once or twice that causes people to fail at achieving their goals, it’s using that as an excuse to continue to keep slipping up that destroys most people’s chances of success. Remember, it’s not what you do once in a while that determines your success or failure, it’s what you do every day.
– Kevin Ngo
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