The Power of the Dream

Song by Celine Dion

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The Power of the Dream – I remember hearing this motivational song during the 1996 Olympics and thought what a great message.

When we have a dream, something inside of us awakens. This power that lies deep within our core starts to fill us with strength and hope. Dreams are what created everything we see. Our vision tells us how far we can go. The power in our soul and heart is what takes us there. Our fate is of our own creation.

Choose to create your fate by giving everything you’ve got for that dream. If you choose to do anything differently, then what exactly are you doing? Hanging out? If you aren’t doing something every day that will take you closer to your dreams, then you’re wasting your life.

It might not sound like much but if you can do one thing each day that will take you one step closer toward your dreams, you’ll be amazed how far you can get in just a couple of years. Obviously, if you can do more than just one thing, do it. It’ll just make achieving your goal a bit faster.

Don’t just dream, act on them. Only then will you have a chance of making your dreams a reality.

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