The greatest mistake you can make

There was a time when making mistakes didn’t bother us. Back when we were infants learning to walk, it didn’t matter how many times we fell, we would stand up and keep trying until we did it. It didn’t matter if anyone was laughing at us because their words were meaningless. It was just you and point B, nothing else.

As we grew older, we started to understand the laughter and started to feel the embarrassment of messing up. The more this happened, the more we associated pain to making a mistake. As a result, many of us lessened our attempts in trying new things. Some even give up on their dreams all because they were afraid to fail.

For the most part, life is one big trial and error. The only way you’re going to grow is to try new things and the only way to get yourself to try new things is to accept that fact that you’re going to mess up every now and then.

Just keep in mind that the only people who never make mistakes or fail are either people who never do anything with their life or people who are already dead. If you want to really live life, do things that you think will make you happy and give you excitement even if it’s scary.

You might even find that succeeding at something you were afraid to fail at is what will give you some of the best experiences in life. It’s the possibility of failure that makes success meaningful and exciting.


  1. Tammy October 15, 2013
    • Kevin Ngo October 15, 2013

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