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Dreams – I chose this song because of its message about believing in your dreams. What is impossible for you will be determined by the level of belief you have in yourself. Realize that “impossible” is merely an opinion. Many things you are doing today may have seemed impossible to you at one point. This is called growth.

Growth in of itself is a great thing to have but the process of growth can often be daunting. The effort that goes into becoming better than you are yesterday can seem overwhelming at times but if you break it down, all you need to do is to improve just a little bit each day. It’s tough to take on what seems impossible all at once but if you take it one step at a time, it’s much more manageable mentally.

Any dream can be broken down into small steps. No on climbs Mount Everest in one step, it’s takes the process of continually putting one foot in front of the other to make it up the top and claim victory.

The more we attempt the impossible, the more we grow. The more we grow, the less impossible things start to seem. Once we see them as possible, it’s only a matter of time before we make it so.

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