Dreams of Reality

Song by Fame or Juliet

I chose this song for its overall message about continuing to dream and not stop just because things get tough. Of course things will get difficult, it’s part of life. Dreaming along isn’t enough however. Everyone dreams of that perfect life at one point but unfortunately, for most, that dream gets abandoned after a few failed attempts.

Dreaming is great because it can fill your body up with a sense of excitement, of possibility and hope for a better life. But dreaming without action will get you nowhere; all it will do is give you something to do to kill time. Some people dream their entire life away but they never really do much to merge their dreams and their reality.

To want to dream about reality when you’re sleeping because your life is how you’ve always dreamed it would be, now that’s living. You could either keep dreaming of the life you want or you can roll up your sleeves and work your butt off to make the life you want real. Dreaming is nice, but living the dream, you just can’t beat that.

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  1. Kagiso October 17, 2012

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