The Show Goes On

Song by Lupe Fiasco

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I chose this song because of its message and beat. There aren’t too many mainstream rap songs that have a positive/motivational message so this song stood out for me.

“No matter what you see when you look outside your window, brown grass or green grass, picket fence or barbed wire, never ever put them down, you just lift your arms higher. Raise them ’till your arms tire, let them know you’re there, that you’re struggling, survivin’, that you’re gonna persevere.”

Giving up would be the easy thing to do which is why so many people choose this option. Life can sometimes feel like an ongoing struggle and often times, it will break people down to the point where they feel it’s impossible to get back up. If you ever get into these situations, you can either stay down for the rest of your life or you can inch your way back up. It’s not a matter of possibility, it’s a matter of decision, willingness, and courage.

No matter what other may say to you or how much they try to bring you down, refuse to sit and continue to stand strong. Even if life throws you a curve ball or no one believes in you, life will still go on and so must you.

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