Can’t Nobody Stop Me

By Royce Da 5’9

Can’t Nobody Stop Me – I chose this motivational song because it conveys the hardcore attitude of pure belief in oneself. The attitude of greatness and total confidence that you will lose to no one, that second place doesn’t even exist in your book, and that anything that gets in your way will be destroyed. Nothing can deny you of your dreams.

Although this may sound a bit too arrogant for some people, for many people, this is exactly the attitude that can help you turn your life around. Lots of confidence is better than absolutely no confidence. Stand up and take control of your destiny. Don’t have the “what ever happens happens” attitude. If you live a passive life, you’re not going to go very far. Go out there and dictate what your life will be like by taking a ton of action towards the achievement of your goals.

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  1. Chaitanya June 8, 2012
  2. tanya August 16, 2012
  3. aditya raj July 1, 2013

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