Rocky Balboa Speech

This motivational speech is from the movie Rocky Balboa. It’s about believing in yourself. If you watched the previous Rocky movies, then you know how motivational this movie can be. As he says in the video, it’s not about how hard you get hit. It’s about how you take the hit.

Life will throw you a lot of hits. This can be physical or mental. Challenges or setbacks will be plentiful throughout your life. The people who are able to rise up and surpass everyone else are the ones who know how to handle these hits. How will you react the next time you are knocked down? Will you complain about it? Will you stay down or will you get back up and get ready for another hit? The choice you make will determine the outcome of your life.


  1. Larry Lieras July 18, 2012
    • Kevin Ngo July 18, 2012
    • Christopher Brown August 17, 2012
  2. janice chase September 7, 2015

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